When I said I do, I didn't mean the laundry room.
For many years, our laundry room existed as what I can only describe as "Sparky's Space." Our four-legged family member made the room his safe haven, welcoming me from under a fluff of blankets, his tail blurry from inviting me into "his" space.
Since Sparky got his wings, it's time for a renewal and to brighten things up. I'd like to think he's happy I'm "reclaiming" my space.
I have decided to join the One Room Challenge hosted biannually for interiors designers, where we take one room in our homes and redesign.
This is something that will challenge me to take time and restore organization and full functionality to an important part of my home.
The hard part is that there is so many things I would love to do, like knock down a wall and add a martini bar. (Just joking -- maybe!)
But seriously, having so many amazing resources to pull from it has made it hard to narrow down my design .
Don’t worry -- the budget has been set in stone. I'm just glad the "boss" approved .
Here ‘s to me curating a unique design space where I can say "I do" with unconditional love for doing the laundry.
Follow along with me over the next eight weeks for some late-night fun and design inspiration.
Cheers to a Good Friday